That's right, people--as of April 20, the reign of Taurus officially commenced. So if you happen to be well acquainted with someone whose birthday falls between the 20th of April and May-- (yours truly on May 8)--consider yourself blessed! Seriously!
OK, so I'm a "superstitious" and consult horoscopes for guidance, I do believe that people born within certain timeframes do exhibit certain traits that are unique to their 'sign'. God knows that I'm not speaking on behalf of His creation of the human race, but I just find it fascinating the way many people's dispositions are often 'to blame' on their dates of birth.
Me? I am such a Taurus according to sites that offer zodiac profiles. I don't agree with 100% of what is said, but most of it is pretty close. For example:
One site says that
Taurean people tend to be slow, methodical, practical and reserved. They are also stolid, tenacious and determined. Possessing tremendous willpower and self-discipline, they are inclined to stick to tried and traditional methods. Roots are important to the Taurean. A sense of permanence, a feeling of security is essential. Generally an easygoing person, slow to anger, but once roused is known for a ferocious temper. Very difficult to deal with when angry. Usually set off by jealousy due to a possessive nature.
Taurean people tend to be slow, methodical, practical and reserved. They are also stolid, tenacious and determined. Possessing tremendous willpower and self-discipline, they are inclined to stick to tried and traditional methods. Roots are important to the Taurean. A sense of permanence, a feeling of security is essential. Generally an easygoing person, slow to anger, but once roused is known for a ferocious temper. Very difficult to deal with when angry. Usually set off by jealousy due to a possessive nature.
They may possess a good singing voice as music may be said to be a Taurean art. Loyalty is important to a Taurus, and a true friend of a Taurean will speak well of their great generosity. Taureans are warm, loving, gentle and charming most of the time. Motivated by self preservation, the Taurean is not a risk taker and weighs every decision carefully, in a slow and methodical manner. To more impulsive people, Taurus is a bore. Opinionated, stubborn, once a
Taurean makes a decision, it is written in stone.
Another posits that
The Taurus motto might be "Take care of the senses and everything else will takecare of itself." It may be that your attraction to material things is less about the objects themselves than it is about the pleasure they bring to your senses. Comfortable living and working space is important to Taurus, along with nice linens, clothing, food and music. And, as one of the most practical signs, Taureans' outlook on life is usually quite sensible. Greatest Strength: Your sensible outlook on life; Possible Weakness: Accepting less than you can achieve
The Taurus motto might be "Take care of the senses and everything else will takecare of itself." It may be that your attraction to material things is less about the objects themselves than it is about the pleasure they bring to your senses. Comfortable living and working space is important to Taurus, along with nice linens, clothing, food and music. And, as one of the most practical signs, Taureans' outlook on life is usually quite sensible. Greatest Strength: Your sensible outlook on life; Possible Weakness: Accepting less than you can achieve
And when it comes to matters of the heart,
True and steady Taurus can appear a bit perfunctory on the outside, practical in that Earth Sign sort of way. This, however, is only half the story. Deep inside is a smoldering lover waiting for the right cues. The Bull wants and needs to be safe and pampered, but will flourish if a lover can convince them to take a risk. When they do, watch out! The Bull can also be very focused in affairs of the heart, the risk being that possessiveness may step in. Consequently, monogamy with a certain degree of autonomy is the best balance for the Bull. Those born under this sign believe that love and sex go hand-in-hand, in that order, and that's that.
So yeah... we are ALL that, stubbornness and all! I mean, for better or worse, what would the world be without: Adolph Hitler (April 20), Queen Elizabeth II (April 21), Jack Nicholson (April 22), Al Pacino (April 25), Saddam Hussein (April 20), Willie Nelson (April 30), David Beckham (May 2), Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (May 2), James Brown (May 3), Audrey Hepburn (May 4), Karl Marx (May 5), Sigmund Freud (May 6), Tony Blair (May 6), Eva Peron (May 7), Harry S. Truman (May 8), Bono (May 10), Min. Louis Farrakhan (May 11), Dennis Rodman (May 13), Stevie Wonder (May 13), George Lucas (May 14), Janet Jackson (May 16), Pierce Brosnan (May 16), Liberace (May 16), Ayatollah Khomeini (May 17), Malcolm X (May 19), Ho Chi Minh (May 19), Busta Rhymes (May 20), Cher (May 20) ?
In short, the warm-hearted Taurus is equipped to listen to someone's problem and then give them the advice they need. They are patient and very persistent in arriving at their goal in life. In fact, they are so stubborn that once they've made up their mind about something, nothing short of a nuclear bomb can change it. With friends and mates, they tend to be jealous and possessive. However, Taurus will lavish emotional and financial attention on friends and loved ones to a fault.
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